Cactus Trading Co.

January  Birthstone

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Petrified Wood

Pink Halite





Due to its high calcium content, alternative healers use aragonite to cure bone and teeth problems solve digestive issues. It's believed to alleviate chills brought on by fever or hypothermia. It may also be very helpful during long convalescence helping the body recuperate to its healthiest condition. It aids concentration and brings tolerance and flexibility to the mind. It is a reliable earth-healer and grounding stone.

Apophyllite can help release any mental blocks or negative thought patterns. It can effectively reduce fears, worries, anxieties as well. When placed in a room, it will surround everyone with strong uplifting energies and high vibrations of love, happiness, and peace. it will inspire you to live your life to the fullest. The energies will encourage you to look into the recesses of your mind and discover your true nature.

The healing properties of apophyllite can help regulate your body's functions. It's a good stone to have in the treatment of asthma or breathing problems and any health conditions involving your lungs. It's a good stone to combat fatigue because it will promote deep relaxation and reduce your stress. It will also enhance your memory and mental clarity

. Apophyllite is a lucky stone to have when you want to manifest your wealth. It symbolizes opportunities that will be presented to you at just the right place and just the right time. It symbolizes new adventures that you can participate in.

It will stimulate feelings of joy and gratitude and it will help you feel comfortable feeling these feelings. It will open your heart to joy and love and help you release your suppressed emotions. It will help heal the heart and soul.

An energetically potent stone that illuminates the true self of the wearer and infuses the entire system with light the transformational properties help the individual to recognize the purpose of his mere existence. This enticing stone helps to understand the meaning of pure love and teachers the self-love. Known as dual actions tone it brings in the self knowledge with the positive use of personal power as well as use to detoxify on the spiritual and energetic level.

It brings harmony and balance and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes it especially useful for Reiki practice. A stone for peace and harmony, Celestite has the potential to bring these qualities into daily living. The high vibrations stimulate and support the throat, third eye and crown chakra making it an excellent for an over all spiritual detox.

An extremely useful stone for improving emotional health. It promotes forgiveness, empathy, self-growth, and self-love. One of the best stones you can use as a heart chakra stone to clear and promote the energy of the heart chakra. Integrating this stone into your life is easy and very beneficial for anyone going through times of change or growth or anyone in general.  

The stone of rejuvenation and renewal. It will give you a fresh new perspective on life, and it will make you appreciate all the good things you have going for you. Carries the energies of vitality and youth and it will fill your life with joy, laughter, and playfulness. It will help you achieve, mental-emotional, and spiritual balance. Fuchsite will fill your life with peace and serenity.

Spiritually referred to as the stone of awareness it is known for its calming energies and ability to relieve tension, stress, and anxiety. Decrease a negative state of mind and brings a feeling of tranquility to the wearer. Howlite is known to amplify self-expression and creativity. A crystal of compassion, as well. Let it guide you in the process of slowing down physically while maintaining full spiritual and mental awareness.

Hypersthene is sometimes referred to as 'velvet labradorite', however the name is misleading, it is not labradorite at all. However 'velvet' definitely applies to the quality of its energy. Hypersthene calms, sooths, and quiets in general, and is especially helpful when the mind is overactive, shielding us from outside 'noise' in a velvety, protective cocoon. Hypersthene arranges both energy and thought in a more organized manner, so we can have a clearer idea of the way forward and realize solutions to problems. By calming, grounding and protecting, it is an excellent aid to deep meditation, profound inner reflection, and can take you on journeys into other dimensions of consciousness, travelling beyond the limitations of body and mind. As it calms without drowsiness, it can be effective in situations of stress where one needs to remain alert and express oneself clearly, such as in making a presentation. Wear or carry it to calm and ground, hold it or sit in a stone circle in meditation.

A protective and grounding stone. It is cleansing to the subtle bodies and facilitates a strong connection with the energies of Earth, helping to connect with the spirits of nature. It repels negative energy. Increases our security in the strength of our intellect, stimulates creativity and the exchange of wisdom. Helps us to see ourselves through the eyes of our higher self. It cleanses and purifies body tissue, harmonizes the metabolism, and helps with muscular detoxification.

A nurturing stone that enriches one’s connection to nature and the earth. Mookaite helps with emotional healing, growth, decision making, and decreasing stress. This stone is also said to have anti-aging properties and ease one’s fears and anxieties about aging.

A transformational stone that can help one connect with the energies of the earth. Encourages respect and care for the environment and living in harmony with nature. Petrified wood is said to have ancient wisdom and can help one connect and learn from their ancestry.

A great stone to reduce anxiety, tensions, stress, and anger. It is gentle, soothing, and calms the energy around you. It has a hugely calming influence helping to slow an overactive mind which can help achieve deep and restful sleep. Aids memory expansion, helpful for teeth and gums, nails hair, and bones.

Helps balance and heal the circulatory system and the lymph. It can assist in clearing toxins and wastes from the body through the lymphatic and urinary systems. It is useful in calming infections of the urinary tract or the glands. Prehnite is useful for the diagnosis of diseases.

Rhodonite is an emotional healing stone. This stone calms panic, emotional shock, and aids in forgiveness and emotional wounds. This stone helps release self-destruction, codependency, and abuse. It releases resentment and anger and stimulates and clears the heart. Rhodonite is a compassionate stone, helping nurture compassion for ourselves and others.

Sardonyx was historically used for protection and strength. In Ancient Rome, soldiers would wear it for bravery and courage. In Ancient Egypt, this stone was used as a talisman to protect one from evil.  It is said to provide endurance, resilience, and fortitude. This stone will enhance your willpower and strength of character. Sardonyx is also said to bring stability and happiness to marriages.

Trolleite is a rare ascension crystal. Trolleite aids with meditation, and amplifies sensitivity, intuition spirituality and finding one’s purpose.  It encourages one to listen and communicate with clarity, release pain and anger and speak with truth and from the heart. It aids with meditation. This soothing stone can help lower stress levels and anxiety. Trolleite also helps us embrace compassion and love for others.
