Cactus Trading Co.

January  Birthstone

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Cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. It dissolves calcification of the bones. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions. It stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing. This spiritual stone facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It helps the mind and body remember soul experiences.

Rainbow Calcite

Promotes emotional healing and balance by providing calming energy. it's various colors symbolize different aspects in life: love, joy and abundance. By using Rainbow Calcite you can improve your well-being and bring positivety into your life.


Solar Calcite

Effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. A clearer of accumulated self-doubt. Also known as a mind stone as it heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory, and the ability to learn quickly and efficiently. it is a powerful energy cleanser amplifier, cleans out negative energy from pretty much anywhere, including within you. For physical crystal healing, it's said to be helpful for the conditions of the joins, visual disturbances, and viruses.

The perfect crystal for when it all feels too much, those times when life just constantly throws obstacles at you and you start to lose faith in your ability to turn things around. Can help to clear the negative noise in the mind so that you find your path out of the chaos. Honey Calcite helps those who are prone to abusing their power, either consciously or unconsciously. If you know you are tempted to become manipulative, it can help you see the abundance of the universe and be more aware of the consequences of pushing your agenda onto others.

Honey Calcite

Caribbean Calcite

Blue Calcite

This stone's energies are still somewhat of a mystery, as it is a new combination mineral that was recently found. It resonates with your third eye and crown chakra. A mind activator that helps one channel their unique psychic abilities and aids in elevating consciousness. promotes an overall sense of calm and serenity. Keep this stone by your bedside for an enhanced perspective of your dreams, as well as an additional power source to aid lucid dreaming.

A powerful energy amlifier and cleanser. Cleans out stored negative energy from a room or the body. Has been associated with bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Helps to improve the body's obsorbtion of important vitamins and minerals. Soothes frayed nerves and lessens anxieties. Facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation.

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